
I happened to meet Lindsay at a time in my life when everything seemed to be going well and I felt very happy. I had built a very successful business and was considering retirement but something didn’t feel quite right about my life so I contacted Lindsay to see if he could help me find whatever was missing. His coaching was excellent and through the sessions he helped me see how disconnected I had become from my own self and how I was no longer able to tell the difference between my own inner wisdom and what I was thinking over and over in my head.
Almost immediately after the coaching I had a very bad feeling about a large investment I’d made for my retirement. So, trusting myself completely, I acted on my inner wisdom and removed all funds and closed the account. Well, I couldn’t believe what happened in the 48 hours that followed… Without any warning the investment company went into liquidation overnight and all investors lost all their money.
Thanks to Lindsay’s coaching I'd woken up to my inner wisdom and trusting myself implicitly, saved my entire retirement fund.
Going to see Lindsay was without doubt one of the best decisions and investments I have ever made
Legal Practice Principle

I’ve been in business for myself for more than 10 years but recently felt my work and life reach a ceiling where I wasn’t able to move forward or lift myself to the next level. Lindsay had been recommended by a friend to help me get through whatever it was that was holding me back and to rediscover myself and what my purpose in life was.
His coaching was just amazing and incredibly insightful and inspirational and helped me help myself back to who I am on the inside, the authentic me if you like, where I had absolute clarity and focus.
Lindsay’s style is not like any other coach or mentor I’d used before as he works at such a deep level that the transformational process is almost subliminal. It seems like you just wake up one day and realise that your life is totally amazing and awesome and very, very different.
I now feel motivated, focussed, energised and completely inspired…. This is the first time in years that I’ve felt so excited about my business and my life…
Thank you Lindsay….
Business Owner

I had a series of sessions with Lindsay at a particularly low point and now in reflection I fully appreciate the profound and accumulative effect each one had, allowing space for greater clarity, focus and inspiration.
If you're serious about change and open to the outcome then this is truly a transformational experience.
Holistic Health Therapist

After a 10 year period of working on myself, reading countless self help books, being positive, reciting affirmations and searching for answers to why my life felt empty, somebody recommended Lindsay. What an amazing experience. It is the first time in my life that I'm experiencing self love - WOW…. I feel incredibly lucky to have met Lindsay and received this life transformation, it’s changed my life and I cannot thank him enough.
I think everyone should have a Lindsay Barn experience.
Private Individual

I had been struggling with an old emotional trauma for a number of years and had tried lots of different therapies but none had been successful until now. I came to see Lindsay on recommendation from a very good friend. After just one session he had helped me to resolve the trauma, and I was amazed at how calm and peaceful the process was, not to mention how simple it all felt. It worked magnificently. During my session I happened to mention that I had a fear of flying so Lindsay explained he could use the same process to deal with this as well. Again the process was calm and peaceful and very simple, but it worked.
All the anxiety in the build up to flying has gone and the flight itself was a very relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Thank you so much Lindsay.

Before I arrived to see Lindsay for my first session I was apprehensive and very stressed. There was something not quite right in my life and I couldn't justify why I was so anxious and mentally drained. After the first session I knew that Lindsay would be able to help me get back to my heart and my true self. Over a period of a few months, I gradually started to connect with my inner self for the first time. A combination of techniques and coaching meant that I could unlock the happiness within me.
A lot of things have changed since my first session with Lindsay, all of which are making me extremely happy and at peace. I am finally following my heart.

For a long time, I felt like I had gone for a wander in a very large forest, whilst not sinister, I felt like I had lost little pieces of myself along the way, however, by the time I realised I had, I couldn't find my way back. Going to see Lindsay was the best decision I could have ever made, because he held my hand on my journey back to reclaim my true self.
I am eternally grateful for everything Lindsay has done for me, and would encourage anyone who doesn't have that complete sense of self worth or peace to have a chat with him...
It changed my life. Thank you for everything :-)
Sales Negotiator

I started visiting Lindsay for regular sessions during an emotionally challenging time in my life. It's easy to neglect your emotions during stressful periods and this is exactly what Lindsay helped me with. After the first session I found I was sleeping better and more focussed the next day. As I continued to have sessions I experienced some huge energy shifts and it became infinitely easier to cope with life's challenges meaning I could remain focused, enabling me to be the person I needed to be at that time.
Lindsay is a remarkable inspirational coach I would highly recommend that anyone who needs an emotional or physical boost spends some time in his powerful yet gentle energy, I cannot find the words to express my gratitude to Lindsay for his help.
Thank you very, very much.
Business Owner

Lindsay has helped me transform into my true self, to trust and love myself. It's hard to put into words what an amazingly compassionate, understanding, generous and gifted teacher/coach Lindsay is. He has given me a new perspective on life which allows me to enjoy the beauty, symmetry and eloquence of my life's path.
With Lindsay's guidance I have been able to recognise, acknowledge and embrace my power, my strength and my inner beauty. In a humble yet empowered way.
Private Individual